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What is DACA?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an immigration policy made possible by Barack Obama that allows certain undocumented immigrants special permission to remain in the United States with a renewable two year permit which also allows them work authorization. The difference between DACA and the Dream Act is that DACA is non-permanent and does not grant legal status to live in the United States. Those qualified for DACA must have resided in the United States since June of 2007. DACA applies to those who are born on or after June 1981 which means that not all qualify for this action. Some do not see the importance of DACA or the Dream Act because they do not know about it or those affected by it,but many students at our campus and community are benefitted.

I interviewed some of our students and teachers for their perspective of its importance.

“To me DACA is an opportunity and relief. Not just for me but for my parents as well.”, said Sofia Jasso, an 11th Grader. Not only does DACA give an opportunity for work and study,but it also gives people security and satisfaction that they can get a better life in this country. Also, I asked students how our community could be impacted by Trump’s proposal to remove DACA.

“For students born here in the United States, the issue of deportation is a complete joke: "I hope you get deported" I'm Mexican, don't deport me.This is not the case for everyone though.” said Joel Velazquez, an 11th Grader. There are people who misunderstand the importance of DACA and do not see that these acts and laws are giving opportunities to our students.They do not realize that discrimination against undocumented students does exist even when they are trying to get an education just like the rest of us.

“I think his mind is made up and his idea is that Latinos must be deported but communities are becoming closer because there are more protests and people are being more brave to represent their voices”,said Mr.Gillespie, AP World History teacher.There are protests directed by DACA students and some supporters even walked out of class in Bucknell University to join the protest and prevent Trump’s attempt to remove it. Mr.Gillespie continued,“As a businessman, he should reflect as to how DACA benefits the economy and he should find ways to work away from deportation”.

There are different opinions from those who are undocumented and those who are not, but what is important is to remember that we are all humans and we are all part of this country no matter status or background. As part of this country, we must keep up with latest news on the issue of immigration and contact our representatives to state our opinions and work together. We all must fight for the equality of all because after all this is “The land of the free”.

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