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The Age of YouTubers

We are in a time period where video blogging has become a popular hobby amongst anyone who has a camera and access to internet. There is a variety of topics that YouTubers choose to focus their blogs on, and if they are able to create content that engages a large amount of viewers, it is even possible to make a career out of regularly posting new videos.

Rodrigo Guerrero is a member of the YouTuber community, who prefers to have his blogs revolve around the idea of design and fashion. He believes that when it comes to clothing, we have a multitude of options in how we express ourselves. As a creative and talented artist, his motivation behind blogging is to enhance his designing skills and gain more self confidence. With blogs that feature tutorials on how to customize clothes to reflect your personality, Rodrigo hopes for his viewers to feel inspired to “experiment with clothes” and feel “confident wearing anything.”

Thomas Garcia also owns his personal YouTube channel, which he uses to publicize his creative vision by posting short films of adventures with his friends, reviews on items such as shoes, and blogs on his daily activities. He was inspired by fellow YouTubers, and learned that there was one in particular, Justin Escalona, who gained admission into one of the best films schools because of his unique style of filming. In the same way that Thomas looks up to YouTubers like Justin, he hopes that one day he can obtain fans that look at him with the same admiration, and be able to connect with them through the similarity in their interests, such as their fascination in filming and photography.

Although the average amount of views that Rodrigo and Thomas receive on their blogs is fairly small, they are proud of what they have been able to achieve so far. They hope to g

row in popularity over the years, and already have big plans for future videos. A factor that prevents these two high school students from filming and posting their blogs is not having enough time, due to work both in and out of school. The process of filming, editing, and uploading a video is time consuming because bloggers want to give their viewers the best content possible, as well as make an original product that will stand out from the rest. summer break is anticipated because there will a lot more free time that will be used to work on their YouTube channel . In the long run, the time invested on blogging “will all be worth it and success will follow,” says Thomas.

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